Wydden Valley History Group – Would you like to help us put one together?

Wydden Valley History Group – Would you like to help us put one together?

Various members of the community have snippets of local history:  family, social, military or just stories handed down.  The Wydden Valley Trust would like to form a standalone history group under its umbrella that could conduct research into various aspects of the place that we live.   We would probably only meet a few times a year but nowadays much can be done by computer.  That said some of the richest sources of information will be the memories of the older generations who may not be comfortable with modern technology.

So much of our research will be chatting with neighbours, over a cup of tea or maybe a pint or two.  Other aspects might be walking the paths and tracks of the valley and photographing unusual landmarks, bringing them back to the older generation and asking what they know.

Old photographs are particularly useful.  If you are prepared to let us look at them and can explain who or what we are looking at that would be brilliant and would help us understand the history of the area so much better.   We may ask you if we might have the precious photographs copied whilst completely respecting your right to say no.  Please don’t worry though we will never publish photographs unless we have your express, written and well considered permission to do so. We already have a number of old photographs and anyone that can shed light on them would be welcome to contact me and have a look at them with the proviso that we won’t be able to share them directly unless we have permission from the relevant descendants.

If you would like to help us put this Local History Group on a firm footing or just have snippets you’d like to share please contact Gini Rivers – ginirivers602@sky.com


Grŵp Hanes Dyffryn Wydden – Hoffech chi helpu ni i ffurfio’r grŵp?

Mae gan aelodau amrywiol o’r gymuned ddarnau o hanes lleol: teuluoedd, cymdeithasol, milwrol neu straeon yn unig a roddwyd i lawr. Hoffai Ymddiriedolaeth Dyffryn Wydden ffurfio grŵp hanes annibynnol o dan ei ambarél a allai gynnal ymchwil i wahanol agweddau ar y lle yr ydym yn byw. Mae’n debyg y byddem yn cwrdd ychydig weithiau y flwyddyn ond ar hyn o bryd mae’n bosib gwneud llawer ar y cyfrifiadur. Wedi dweud hynny y bydd rhai o’r ffynonellau gwybodaeth cyfoethocaf yn atgofion o’r cenedlaethau hŷn a allai fod yn gyfforddus â thechnoleg fodern.

Bydd cymaint o’n hymchwil yn sgwrsio â chymdogion, dros gwpan o de neu efallai beint neu ddau. Gallai agweddau eraill fod yn cerdded llwybrau a llwybrau’r dyffryn a ffotograffio tirnodau anarferol, gan ddod â nhw yn ôl i’r genhedlaeth hŷn a gofyn beth maent yn ei wybod.

Mae hen ffotograffau yn arbennig o ddefnyddiol. Os ydych chi’n barod i adael i ni edrych arnynt ac y gallwn esbonio pwy neu beth yr ydym yn edrych arno, byddai’n wych a byddai’n ein helpu ni i ddeall hanes yr ardal gymaint o well. Efallai y byddwn yn gofyn i chi os oes modd i ni gael copïau o’r ffotograffau gwerthfawr tra’n parchu eich hawl yn gyfan gwbl i ddweud na. Peidiwch â phoeni er na fyddwn byth yn cyhoeddi ffotograffau oni bai bod gennym eich caniatâd ysgrifenedig, ysgrifenedig ac ystyrlon iawn i wneud hynny. Mae gennym eisoes nifer o hen ffotograffau ac fe fyddai croeso i chi gysylltu â mi gan unrhyw un a all daflu goleuni arnynt, gyda’r amod na fyddwn yn gallu eu rhannu yn uniongyrchol oni bai bod gennym ganiatâd y disgynyddion perthnasol .

Os hoffech chi ein helpu i roi’r Grŵp Hanes Lleol hwn ar sail gadarn neu hyd yn oed llenwi ychydig o fylchau yn ein dealltwriaeth, cysylltwch â Gini Rivers – ginirivers602@sky.com

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